
Service Ace!

Apparently there has been some confusion on the RSS feeds. Yes, I did disable the picture posting on the RSS feed. Yes, I am a greedy punk, forcing you to click on an extra link every day if you want to see the comic! Oh, the sadness of it all.

I'm trying to figure out how to add a note so that the RSS feeds will remind people to click the link, so that they don't just think that the feed isn't working properly. When I get it updated, you'll probably know.


Unknown said...

You should implement a voting system so that we can vote for the comics we like the best. Sort of like Digg.com.

Gabe Moothart said...

I can see the comic just fine in rss, using thunderbird.

If you really want to accurately keep track of your hit count, you could try replacing the default blogger feed with feedburner. They calculate rss statistics for you.

Joshua said...

I, for one, am very angery about this feed thingy. I had to click several links (not just one!) today as I tried to catch up on my comic viewing! It was such a confusing ordeal that I even ended up clicking on several ads, thus making you money!

Ok, so it really wasn't that bad. Can I play the new Nintendo thingamajigger when you get it? I helped...