
It's not a compliment

There are many page-a-day calendars out there that I have enjoyed. Last year's was mensa brain teaser type things. This year's is a page-a-day paper airplane calendar where each page tears off and you follow the printed instructions and fold it into a little paper airplane. Great for work.

The best PADC I have seen - though I did not have the foresight to buy it, and have not been able to find it since - had something to do with making fun of the French. At least, that is what I recall. I may have been hallucinating at the time.

For those of you who are actually fans of the big H., you can get the perfect gift for yourself here.

1 comment:

Gabe Moothart said...

At first I thought you said "I did not have the foreskin to buy it". That caused a double-take, let me tell you :-)

That clothing site is truly weird. The fact that you can get anything from "don't hassle the hoff" to an Einstein quote on a thong disturbs me to no end.